Sunday, October 30, 2005

Diamonelle Recording Rejected

The rap recording made by Diamonelle and her brother was rejected today by the producers in the Recording Studio. They claimed it did not satisfy the Rap Code for Publication, citing the lack of offensive language. They insisted that she return to the studio with at least 40 offensive curse words salt and peppered into the lyrics. A producer was heard to say that the "F-word" must be in there at least five time as a minimum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you got that wrong, doggy bro.
That engineer was under the mistaken impression I was some kinda ho.
He said the F word at least 50 times or so!
But Q just happens to OWN that particular recording studio!
Oh no--Diamonelle don't work for Whitey no mo!!! Fo sho!!!
I think our white boy got a job in Dogoba cleaning up dino dung tho!!!!