Monday, February 05, 2007

Sneak Peek

The characters from the Netherworld broke into the Printing Company to take a sneak peek of Cheesemeister's soon to be released book. They wanted to know if they were mentioned in it.


Cie Cheesemeister said...

Spooky, what have you been drinking or smoking? You should know you're mentioned in it--you helped write it!

Anonymous said...

All right youse mugs, scatter! We've been busted!

Anonymous said...

I surtinly dont see wy she wud rite a book with Spooky insted of me! I have way bettur ideeas then he duz! My ideeas involv axes and blud and a hot stud hoo looks like me gettin lots of peases of ass! Its just the kind of think reedurs are lookin for! Not this intilecshual junk that peepul like Spooky rite. He rites like that old fart Edgur Allen Poe! Just reed heer if yu dont beeleve me!

Hobbes said...

Uh-oh. The Cheesemeister's boss doesn't look too pleased.

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't be a problem. I doubt that acorn-head can figure out that Edward A. Groundsquirrel and he are one and the same.
Cheesemeister, shame on you! You know that I don't use smokeable products of the psychotropic nature! I may have stopped by Ugly Grace's for a drink or two but I left when I thought I saw Lammy drinking from that jar containing Rasputin's penis. I don't know why he doesn't just get it reattached!