Sunday, April 30, 2006

Rove and Sissy

Sissy is seen here with Karl Rove. What is going on? Is she leaving Mr. Banana for a better man? Or is Mr. Banana pimping her out to get into the inner circle of the White House Staff?


Anonymous said...

I was just escorting him backstage after Aprils show!!!! NOTHING is going on; he just has a ROVING eye!

Anonymous said...

Dusty. Please. Don't make me laugh. You think Jack Abramoff is the only one who knows how to work the D. C. juice machine?

Tom & Icy said...

It appears that Fox News has slipped their man (Tony Snow) inside, Is Sal Banana going to be Pansi Files inside man?

Anonymous said...

Tony Snow beat me out of the job of becoming the new "Baghdad Bob" for the Bush Administration. Guess Mr. Banana is filling the shoes of Abramoff. I wonder if eventually Iraq will become a Captist nation.