Thursday, August 20, 2009

V.P. Flowering Kudzu

We got an updated photo of Flowering Kudzu, the trailer-trash zombie vice president of the Netherworld under Dick Nixon, who is keeping her barefoot and pregnant.


Hobbes said...

But she was a Barbie, not a zombie! We're all confused.

Tom & Icy said...

Come on Hobbes! She is still a Barbie on the inside, it is all an illusion. You know how those Conservative Republicans are: they made Sarah Palin appear human, and we're still trying to figure out what she really is. So it shouldn't be surprising about the shenanigans of Tricky Dick. The word is prevaricate.

Nessa said...

Is she smoking?

Tom & Icy said...

Yes, Nessa. They had a Trailer Trash Barbie that was pregnant with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. I don't know if you can still buy them, you'd have to Google it and it has been about a year since I last saw an ad for it.

cool cat clyde said...

Whoa! Smokin' when you're pregnant ain't hep!

dr. schitz said...

It's okay if you're a zombie, Clyde. Trust me on this. I'm a doctor.